Due to today’s high winds we have been forced to postpone the chain changes scheduled to take place this week on the Torpoint ferry LYNHER. This is a very complex process which can only be safely carried out in the right weather and tidal conditions. As the forecast is for high winds for the remainder of the week we have no choice but to cancel this week’s activity.
The next opportunity to carry out the chain changes, which we need to complete before the LYNHER goes out of service for her refit on 15 March 2020, is currently early next week. This will generate some disruption to service whilst the replacement chain remains loaded on the deck resulting in a reduced ferry vehicle capacity (2 lanes less than normal), and depending on exactly which days the activity takes place with associated tide times, there will probably be an impact on the third ferry service both during the morning and/or afternoon service during the actual chain change activity. Updates will be published on both the Tamar Crossings website (www.tamarcrossings.org.uk) and on social media as soon as we are able to be more precise with that detail.
We will endeavour to keep disruption to the service to a minimum, and will complete the changes as soon as we can within the constraints of tidal and weather conditions. We are grateful for your understanding and patience during this period of disruption over which we unfortunately have no control.