The decision to stop shoreside toll collections and go back to tolling on-board the ferries follows the Government’s decision to further relax lockdown restrictions as part of its Covid recovery roadmap.
All ferry crew will be wearing face coverings in accordance with Government regulations and will be complying with the new “1m plus” social distancing guidance. Collectors will continue to use social distancing tools to ensure the safe collection of cash, with Lane F (on the south side of the ferry) contining to be used by motorcyclists and cyclists to enable reasonable distancing.
All foot passengers must continue to follow the Government’s requirements to wear face coverings while travelling on public transport, and drivers and cyclists will continue to be expected to remain with their transport. Anyone leaving their vehicle to enter the passenger areas must also wear a face covering.
Tamar Crossings meets all the Covid safety guidelines set out by the Government and these new arrangements comply with all current and updated guidance.
While we are very proud to have met the scheduled service on the vast majority of occasions during shoreside tolling, resuming on board tolling will enable us to manage traffic more efficiently at peak times. It will also improve the safety of staff and members of the public in the lanes and shoreside pedestrian areas.
This has been a very challenging time for everyone and we would like to thank all our ferry customers for their patience and co-operation.